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Three AGI Member Organizations shared material aimed at helping scientists better communicate their research, or activities. The American Geophysical Union blog the "Plainspoken Scientist" had scientist Skylar Bayer share her experiences learning how to write her own press releases. The ability to share your science through the written word is, valuable, but as many professionals working at the science-press interface know images and video can really amplify your message. Susan Fisk, the Director of Public and Science Communications for the members of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America shared in their member magazine "CSA News" penned the article "Why Photos are Important in Explaining Your Research." One of Fisk's key points is the value of humanizing your research as one of the key ways to earn trust with the public. This is something AGI has been trying to encourage with our "Life as a Geoscientist" photo contest. In addition to sharing your images, or writing stories with them, scientists must be aware of copyright law.
The Association of Earth Science Editors shared an article from www.ipwatchdog.com on "Using 'Borrowed' Images in Your Blog." In addition to a very broad overview copyright law, public domain, fair use and trademark/tradedress, the authors link to several resources and cases relevant to these issues.