35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Number Title Presenting Authorsort ascending Session Abstract
305 Genetic Process Underlying the Mw 7.8 Nepal Earthquake Sequence Prof. Jiagui Zhang T30.2 - Geology and Tectonics Of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt PDF icon 305.pdf
555 Does Astrobiology require an astrobioethical approach? Prof. Jesús Martínez-Frías T48.P1 - Planetary Sciences and Meteorite Impacts PDF icon 555.pdf
5292 Links between porphyry and IOCG deposits Prof. Jeremy P. Richards T18.1 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 5292.pdf
5275 Monetized Leakage Risk of Geologic CO2 Storage and the Role of Secondary Trapping in Intervening Stratigraphic Layers Prof. Jeffrey Bielicki T22.8 - Carbon capture and storage – From reservoir through the full value chain
4247 Optimally Extracting Geothermal Heat from Sedimentary Basins Using Carbon Dioxide Prof. Jeffrey Bielicki T22.9 - Geothermal Energy
5223 Development of the depleted mantle reservoir and growth of the continental crust begins at ~ 3.8 Ga. Prof. Jeff Vervoort T32.12 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth PDF icon 5223.pdf
1081 The Tethys history in Southeast Iran: a tale from Makran and Sistan. Prof. Jean-Pierre Burg T30.10a - Tectonics of Tethys with an Emphasis on the Geology of Turkey and Iran, and Comparison with Other Tethyan Domains PDF icon 1081.pdf
1880 The Archean Dharwar craton, southern India: A wide time window to acretionary orogenesis, continental growth and assembly of micro-blocks Prof. Jayananda Mudlappa T32.14 - Crust formation and recycling from the Hadean to the late Archaean: The transition to plate tectonics PDF icon 1880.pdf
5373 Signatures of Paleoseismic and paleo-tsunami from Badabalu, South Andaman, Andaman and Nicobar Island, India Prof. Javed Malik T8.14 - Geohazards: Prevention, risk reduction, early warning and preparedness PDF icon 5373.pdf
278 Controls on saltmarsh stratigraphy and evolution, northwest Ireland Prof. Jasper Knight T28.7 - Carbonate Sedimentology / Tidal Processes and Products: From Tides to Rock Record PDF icon 278.pdf
654 Environmental significance of bulk geochemistry and metal anomalies within Hirnantian rocks of the Valongo Anticline, northern Portugal Prof. Jasper Knight T18.7a - Sediment-hosted ore deposits PDF icon 654.pdf
275 Global sediment systems in the Anthropocene Prof. Jasper Knight T42.12 - Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution PDF icon 275.pdf
4437 Isotopic heterogeneity in granites: melting or mixing? Prof. Janet Hergt T36.P2 - Magmatism - Settings, Compositions and Processes PDF icon 4437.pdf
4330 Evidence from molybdenum isotopes for a transient and localized nature of free aquatic oxygen around 3 Ga Prof. Jan Kramers T32.11 - Redox texture of the Archean atmosphere and ocean PDF icon 4330.pdf
4303 Basin architecture and evolution at NE Atlantic conjugate margins Prof. Jan Inge Faleide T29.2 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution PDF icon 4303.pdf
3540 Coastal change as a function of geological settings, natural forcings and anthropogenic drivers – comparative modeling approaches for management strategies Prof. Jan Harff T14.6 - Coastal Studies PDF icon 3540.pdf
3553 Environmental and Climate Variation during the Last Glacial Cycle and its sequence stratigraphic reflection at the South China Sea's Northern Margin Prof. Jan Harff T40.2 - Stratigraphic and morphologic signatures of continental shelves PDF icon 3553.pdf
714 Typhoon-driven wave deposits on island rock coasts in the Gulf of Thailand Prof. James Terry T8.3 - Geohazards and societal benefits: coping with reality PDF icon 714.pdf
5195 Concise Geologic Time Scale 2016: a partial update of GTS2012 Prof. James Ogg T47.P2 - Phanerozoic Earth History, Stratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale PDF icon 5195.pdf
3020 Previously undocumented widespread subduction on the western side of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand Prof. James Goff T8.2 - Geohazards and societal benefits: coping with reality / Risk evaluation and management in the 21st Century PDF icon 3020.pdf
1103 Tsunamigenic slope failures in the Pacific – an inconvenient truth Prof. James Goff T8.2 - Geohazards and societal benefits: coping with reality / Risk evaluation and management in the 21st Century PDF icon 1103.pdf
2105 Total Organic Carbon from well logging in the Silurian and Ordovician shale gas formations in Poland Prof. Jadwiga Anna Jarzyna T20.10a - New Technology & Techniques in Exploration & Production PDF icon 2105.pdf
4094 Density structure of the cratonic mantle in Siberia, correlations with mantle petrology and kimberlite distribution Prof. Irina Artemieva T30.7B - The dynamic Earth and its Kimberlite, Cratonic Mantle and Diamond record through time PDF icon 4094.pdf
4083 Density structure of the cratonic mantle in southern Africa, kimberlite distribution, mantle velocities, Moho sharpness, and dynamic topography Prof. Irina ARTEMIEVA T30.9B - The dynamic Earth and its Kimberlite, Cratonic Mantle and Diamond record through time PDF icon 4083.pdf
3063 Paleoenvironmental change during the late Holocene in the southeastern Yellow Sea, Korea Prof. Hyen Goo Cho T40.P3 - Marine Geosciences and Oceanography PDF icon 3063.pdf
1205 Metamorphic processes in the Eoarchaean: evidence from the 3.7-3.8 Ga Isua Greenstone Belt Prof. Hugh Rollinson T38.3 - Metamorphic processes in early Earth evolution PDF icon 1205.pdf
1215 Crustal evolution in the West African Archaean Craton in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Ivory Coast: A review Prof. Hugh Rollinson T3.P3 - Public Sector Geoscience and Geological Surveys PDF icon 1215.pdf
4591 Neoproterozoic Basic and Mid-acidic Intrusions in Welega Area (Ethiopia):Litho-geochemical Evidence for mantle and partly Crust Melting Prof. Huazhou YAO T33.P5 - The Proterozoic Earth PDF icon 4591.pdf
4070 The geochemical criteria of plume origin for Cenozoic volcano-rocks, Main Ethiopia Rift(MER):A review Prof. Huazhopu YAO T46.15 - Volcanism in Africa PDF icon 4070.pdf
1476 IOCG deposits on the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic continental margins: a deposit clan formed during basin inversion Prof. Huayong Chen T18.2 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 1476.pdf
1167 The Structure and Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture Evolution of Rifting Stage, Lishu Faulted-depression, Songliao Basin, China Prof. Hongyu Wang T29.2 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution PDF icon 1167.pdf
532 The hydrocarbon trap distributional patterns of the simple slope area of a continental basin: a case study from the Songliao basin, China Prof. Hongyu Wang T20.P2 - Petroleum Systems and Exploration PDF icon 532.pdf
4696 Uniqueness of the Jiaodong terrane constrained by the Penglai Group, Eastern China Prof. Hongyan Li T18.17a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4696.pdf
3956 A Study on Quaternary Geological Characteristics and Land Subsidence Life Process in the Lower Yangtze Delta Area of China Prof. Hongtao Jiang T15.P1 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 3956.pdf
1852 Geo3DML: a public 3D geological model data exchange format Prof. Honggang Qu T7.9 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 1852.pdf
3602 Basement nature of Junggar basin in the NW China: zircon U-Pb-Hf isotope evidence from the Carboniferous pyroclastics of borehole samples Prof. Hong Hao T30.P3 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 3602.pdf
923 Terms- Man-made strata, Jinji Strata, Jinji Unconfoimity and Jinjin Unconformity- on Anthropogenic deposits and Geopollution and Geological Hazards by Human Activity for the Future Earth Prof. Hisashi Nirei T14.12 - Environmental GeosciencesGeosciences in Strategic Environmental Management / Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 923.pdf
911 Differences in geological hazards from liquefaction–fluidization and ground waves in the areas facing Tokyo Bay and San Francisco Bay Prof. Hisashi Nirei T8.6a - Challenges in Identifying and Characterising Seismogenic Faults in Non-Plate Boundary Settings / Geohazards and societal benefits: coping with reality PDF icon 911.pdf
4021 Significance of Cretaceous stratal records in Japanese Islands: forearc-trench systems Prof. Hisao Ando T47.11 - Cretaceous time scale and sea-level changes, and Cretaceous Asia-Pacific Ecosystems (IGCP 609, IGCP 608, ICDP Songliao basin) - Part 1 PDF icon 4021.pdf
3311 Drilling into seismogenic zones of M2.0 – M5.5 earthquakes in deep South African gold mines (DSeis) Prof. Hiroshi Ogasawara T8.17 - Challenges in Identifying and Characterising Seismogenic Faults in Non-Plate Boundary Settings PDF icon 3311.pdf
4051 The Importance of the Field of Forensic Soil Examination being Aligned with the Wider Discipline of Forensic Science Prof. Hilton Kobus T6.2 - History and Future of Forensic Soil Science and Geology / Recent Developments PDF icon 4051.pdf
599 Tectonic stress evolution and a new origin model of Bohai Bay basin, China Prof. Hengmao Tong T29.2 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution PDF icon 599.pdf
5173 Geomorphology of a tropical shelf: Rio Grande do Norte East Sector, NE Brazil Prof. Helenice Vital T40.3 - Continental Shelves PDF icon 5173.pdf
3999 Geological mapping in the USA Prof. Harvey Thorleifson T3.8 - Geoscience for environmental management PDF icon 3999.pdf
878 Early Life and Ancient Gold Prof. Hartwig Frimmel T32.17 - Early Earth Mineral Systems / Evolution of Archaean cratonic cover successions PDF icon 878.pdf
3075 The Crustal Gold Cycle Prof. Hartwig Frimmel T27.10 - The Crustal Gold Cycle (jointly sponsored by SEG and SGA) PDF icon 3075.pdf
2056 Data assimilation in global mantle flow models: theory, computation and uncertainties to restore global mantle flow back in time Prof. Hans-Peter Bunge T30.17 - Dynamic Africa: integrating constraints on the post-Gondwana topographic evolution of Africa and adjacent continents from the core mantle boundary PDF icon 2056.pdf
4974 Seismic structure of the crust in Eurasia Prof. Hans Thybo T31.17 - Deep Imaging of the Crust and Lithosphere beneath the Continent and its geodynamics PDF icon 4974.pdf
4422 Thickness and composition of the crust in southern Africa Prof. Hans Thybo T31.P5 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 4422.pdf
4972 Lithosphere structure and topography around the North Atlantic Ocean Prof. Hans Thybo Prof. Irina ARTEMIEVA T41.14 - Geological and tectonic evolution of the Arctic PDF icon 4972.pdf
