
graphic [ign]

graphic [ign] (graph'-ic). Said of the texture of an igneous rock characterized by regular poikilitic intergrowth of triangular or linear-angular quartz grains within larger alkali feldspar grains. Similar intergrowths of other minerals, e.g. ilmenite-pyroxene, are less common. Syn: runic.


electroviscosity (e-lec''-tro-vis-cos'-i-ty). The viscosity of a fluid as influenced by electric properties, e.g. greater viscosity of a low-conductivity fluid than of a high-conductivity fluid flowing through narrow capillaries.

snow cover

snow cover . (a) All snow that has accumulated on the ground, including that derived from snowfall, drifting or blowing snow, avalanches, frozen or unfrozen rain stored in the snow, rime, and frost. (b) The areal extent of ground partly or wholly covered with snow in a particular area, usually expressed as a percent of the total area. (c) The average depth of accumulated deposited snow on the ground in a particular area, usually expressed in centimeters.

subalkaline basalt

subalkaline basalt (sub-al'-ka-line). As proposed by Chayes (1964), a replacement for the terms tholeiitic basalt and tholeiite. Today it is the less preferred term. Basalts in which neither nepheline nor acmite appear in the CIPW norm fall in the subalkaline category.

GeoCUR Early Career Distinguished Mentor Award

The Geosciences Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research has established an annual award to recognize faculty, scientists, and educators engaging in original and successful mentoring of undergraduate research activities who demonstrate dedication to the scholarly success of their students.…


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