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Geo-Congressional Visits Day 2016

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Follow along #GeoCVD2016 on Twitter and Instagram to see what fellow geoscientists are doing for the Geoscience Congressional Visits Day. Yesterday the participating scientists were given an orientation briefing on how Congress works, and how laws can affect the geosciences both nationally, and at the state level. Today they are touring the House and Senate where they are meeting with their legislators. This annual event is hosted by the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), the Geological Society of America (GSA), the Seismological Society of America (SSA), the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and the American Geosciences Institute (AGI). AGU has allowed "Guest-Grammers" to share their experiences at Geo-CVD over Instagram. Geo-CVD has made an impact on many scientists, usually as their first experience at the policy-making level. 

Overview of the 35th International Geological Congress

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The 35th International Geological Congress was hosted last week in Cape Town South Africa and several AGI member organizations were involved hosting sessions, town halls and providing speakers. By far, the biggest story was the recommendation of the Working Group on the Anthropocene to formally designate the Anthropocene as an official geological epoch. This story was picked up globally by many news outlets including the Economist, Science Magazine, the Guardian, the BBC, and the Japan Times among many others. 

FREE Workshop "Geoscience Librarianship 101" set for September 24, 2016

“Geoscience Librarianship 101” – a free workshop on earth science information resources – will be presented by the Geoscience Information Society on Saturday, September 24 in Denver, Colorado. Registration is open to all information professionals as well as students in library and information studies.

GSL: Cross Channel Invasion! Military Geology in 1940 and 1944

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If you're in London on the 29th of September, the Geological Society of London is hosting a ticketed event looking at the the role of German and British geologists during World War II. The talk will describe how geologists on opposing sides contributed to military planning and operations. GSL will also make some of its historical material on military geology, such as the maps used by the War Office, available to attendees. 

GeoSpectrum is now the Geotimes Blog

The American Geosciences Institute is pleased to announce the relaunching of its GeoSpectrum newsletter as the Geotimes Blog. GeoSpectrum has evolved from a quarterly newsletter of the geoscience societies to a blog about activities in AGI's member societies and other news and events about the geosciences.


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