member society

Member Society Council

Chair and President

Jon Price

Past Presidents

Paul Weimer

Carolyn Olson

Member Society Council Representatives

Fredrick Rich
AASP-The Palynological Society

Gary Langham
American Association of Geographers

David Curtiss
American Association of Petroleum Geologists

Billy Williams
American Geophysical Union

Sarah Erck
American Institute of Hydrology

Aaron Johnson
American Institute of Professional Geologists

Stella Kafka
American Meteorological Society

AGI Releases Community Consensus Statement Regarding Access and Inclusion of Geoscientists with Disabilities

The American Geosciences Institute's (AGI) is pleased to announce the release of a community consensus statement on access and inclusion of geoscientists with disabilities. This statement was inspired by the 2014 AGI Leadership Forum, which brought together the Executive Directors and Presidents of AGI's Member Societies to discuss the issue of access and inclusion of persons with disabilities in the geosciences.

Disability Consensus Statement

The AGI statement on access and inclusion of geoscientists living with disabilities, written as a community document in 2015, serves to increase awareness of the challenges we face and the responsibilities we have as a community, and provides examples of ethical practices toward this group of individuals.  A list of AGI's membership societies who have agreed to formally support this statement is provided.  AGI strongly encourages all organizations to adopt, repost or refine this statement as they see fit for their own uses.

Call for Nominations

Call for 2023 AGI Nominations

AGI is seeking quality candidates for American Geosciences Institute 2024 officer positions and 2023 awards. Your nominations should be received by February 1, 2023, in order to be reviewed by the AGI Nominating Committee making recommendations for the 2024 officers and 2023 awards. Letters of support may be sent for each nominee and, if provided, will be included in the package sent to the 2023 Nominating Committee.

Specifically AGI is seeking nominations for the following:


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