
Status of Recent Geoscience Graduates 2014: Jobs and Challenges Getting There

The American Geosciences Institute has released the 2014 Status of Recent Geoscience Graduates, which highlights the impact of booming enrollments and the challenges for students face in matching their education to the demands of the current hiring in the geoscience-related industries.

Harriet Evelyn Wallace Scholarship Application Information Page

The Harriet Evelyn Wallace Scholarship is available to all women pursuing a Master's or Doctoral degree in the geosciences at an accredited U.S. institution of higher education in a recognized geoscience program. Successful applicants will be thesis-based, full time students and due to the nature of the position, each applicant must either be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. If selected, the new Harriet Evelyn Wallace Scholar will be subject to verification of U.S. citizenship or residency status.


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