
Free Training in Geoscience Communication Renewed for AGI Member Societies

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is thrilled to announce that U.S.-based members of AGI Member Societies will continue to be able to access free training in geoscience communication into next year, thanks to generous support from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Aquatic Scientists Bring Hollywood to Science Communication in Honolulu

ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2017 Meeting Logo
The Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) continues its eight year effort to look to train its scientists to be more effective communicators with the public and with each other. They will continue to host Los Angeles-based actor and Improv coach Brian Palermo their annual meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii in February to get the Hollywood perspective on storytelling – because that’s really what research is.  

National Academies discusses new report on #scicomm

Communicating Science Effectively: A Research Agenda (2016)
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) held a public discussion yesterday of a new report, "Communicating Science Effectively: A Research Agenda." The discussion and report examine science communication from social science and education perspectives, with emphasis on communication around contentious issues.

Sharing Your Science

AGI glyph
Three AGI Member Organizations shared material aimed at helping scientists better communicate their research, or activities. The American Geophysical Union blog the "Plainspoken Scientist" had scientist Skylar Bayer share her experiences learning how to write her own press releases. The ability to share your science through the written word is, valuable, but as many professionals working at the science-press interface know images and video can really amplify your message. Susan Fisk, the Director of Public and Science Communications for the members of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America shared in their member magazine "CSA News" penned the article "Why Photos are Important in Explaining Your Research." One of Fisk's key points is the value of humanizing your research as one of the key ways to earn trust with the public. This is something AGI has been trying to encourage with our "Life as a Geoscientist" photo contest. In addition to sharing your images, or writing stories with them, scientists must be aware of copyright law. 

Teaching Non-Majors to Communicate the Importance of Geoscience for Policy Making through Service-Learning and Civic Engagement

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Strengthening the role of geosciences in policymaking is challenging anticipatory work. Geoscientists advance science-based decision-making by communicating the results, implications and value of research directly to policymakers (e.g. participating in Congressional Visit Days). However, improving geoscience policy also requires the voices of non-geoscientists. Teaching non-STEM majors the value of science-based policymaking contributes to science literacy overall, and it also helps generate potential advocates for the geosciences at the local, state and federal level.


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