Workforce Data

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The AGI Workforce Program was built on data collection and analysis.  Since 1955, AGI has maintained databases of academic geoscience programs in the United States, and more recently, globally.  In addition, the Workforce Program also conducts regular surveys on geoscience graduates and reports on the state of the geoscience workforce biennially. We also provide baseline data from federal and industry sources on general interest items, such as salaries and employment levels.

Geoscience Currents

Geoscience Currents transmit snapshots of the many facets of the geoscience profession, in-depth case studies of how geoscience is applied, factsheets that provide rigorous introductions to a range of geoscience topics, workforce trends, and career paths.

Directory of Geoscience Departments

The Directory, or DGD, is the flagship product of the Workforce Program.  The DGD is the comprehensive census of US geoscience academic programs and faculty, and includes extensive coverage of Canada, Mexico, and the rest of the world.  The DGD is available annually as a printed publication and as an e-book.  The DGD covers an extensive set of parameters, including faculty specialities, alma maters, tenure, demographics, and student enrollments and degrees granted.


AGI conducts numerous surveys of the geosciences community.  Many are regular annual or biennial surveys, but AGI also conducts ad hoc surveys when a specific issue arises of concern, such as the impact of the economic downturn on geoscience programs.

  • National Geoscience Exit Survey
  • Survey of Geoscience Enrollments
  • Geoscience Careers Master's Preparation Survey 


The surveys and data collection done by AGI yields a wide range of regular and ad hoc reports.  These reports provide comprehensive looks at the geoscience community and generally are available both electronically and in print.

  • Status of the Geoscience Workforce
  • Status of Recent Geoscience Graduates

General Data

As part of our effort to provide a broad suite of intelligence for decision makers in the geosciences, AGI also collects and synthesise data from other sources to ensure that the experiences of the geosciences are also cast in a proper context with other disciplines and the economy as a whole.  In addition, many of these general data are critical points of information for students investigating potential careers in the geosciences.