
NAS: Unconventional Hydrocarbon Development – Workshop and Webcast Dec. 1-2

National Academies of Science Unconventional Hydrocarbons Logo
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will hold a two-day public workshop to explore how to best manage long-term risks in areas with unconventional oil and gas development.  The workshop will examine the life-cycle development of these fields, including decommissioning and reclamation of wells and related surface and pipeline infrastructure, and fluid injection and its relationship to induced seismicity. 

AAG: Late-Breaking Sessions at Annual Meeting on Election 2016

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The American Association of Geographers (AAG) announced a call for paper presentations and panel sessions on the 2016 elections. They are especially interested in research, analysis, discussion and dialogue for late-breaking sessions for the AAG Annual Meeting, that will be held in Boston in April 2017. The deadline to submit is November 29, 2016. 

#8: Geophysics for non-technical professionals

Norm Hyne, lecturer and past chair of The University of Tulsa Geology and Geophysics Department, explores applied geophysics from a non-technical professional’s perspective. Listeners, we want to hear from you: Why did you choose geophysics? What do you love about the science and the work you do? Email us at or leave a message at country code +1 918-497-4627.

AAPG: Interview with Noble Energy's Henry Pettingill on "Innovative Thinking for Deepwater Success"

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The American Associaition of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Learn Blog published an interivew with Noble Energy's Geology and Exploration Manager, Henry Pettingill. With many noteworthy deepwater discoveries in the Levant and Leviathan fields in the Mediterranean, AAPG asked Pettingill to share what has led to these successes.

IUGS: Resourcing Future Generations Second Open Call for Proposals

The International Union of Geological Sciences has posted its second open call for the its global initiative called Resourcing Future Generations (RFG), to bring geoscientists together to address the world's future resource needs head-on. Bids for small top-up grants to take forward discrete pieces of work in support of RFG. Grants will average $3000, but more may be awarded. More information ins available in right sidebar on the linked site. 

GSL: New Paper Explores Origin of Stonehenge Bluestones

GSL Logo
The Geological Society of London's (GSL) journal published a new study looking at the origin of the bluestones of Stonehenge using U-Pb zircon dating. The GSL blog outlines some of the early findings of this study, seeking to determining if the bluestones were carried to Stonehenge, or if the rocks were transported there as glacial erratics. 


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