
Jumpstart Your Broader Impacts with the ARIS Toolkit!

Friday, April 4, 2025

Many researchers often take a limited view in thinking about the Broader Impacts (BI) of their research.  For example, a researcher may suggest that building a lab website, working with a graduate student, and publishing their work in journals is enough to meet the needs of the BI criteria when in fact, they are basic job expectations at most universities or colleges. Or some PIs might think that working with K-12 school children is the only way to meet their BI requirements.
The NSF Funded ARIS center (Advancing Research Impacts in Society) has a robust collection of digital tools and resources ready to help you create an exciting Broader Impacts (BI) plan! Whether you’re crafting an NSF proposal or simply flexing your STEM communication muscles, our toolkit is here to help you turn ideas into action.

  • Janice McDonnell, Co-PI Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS), Rutgers University
  • Dr. Susan Renoe, Associate Vice Chancellor, Division of Research, Innovation & Impact, Executive Director, ARIS, University of Missouri

Graduate student perspectives on the importance and difficulty of finding a research group

Friday, March 7, 2025

Joining a research group is one of the most important events on a graduate student’s path to becoming an independent researcher and earning a Ph.D. Despite its importance, graduate students’ perspectives on the experience of finding a research group are not well-documented. In this webinar, our panelists will use data collected in the context of physics graduate education to illustrate how successfully joining a research group tends to increase students’ sense of belonging in their programs which can lead to improved student retention and overall graduate experience.

Our panelists are:

  • Dr. Mike Verostek - Post Doctoral Research Associate, School of Physics and Astronomy, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Casey Miller - Sr. Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Ben Zwickl – Associate Professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy and Co-Director of the Center for Advancing Scholarship to Transform Learning, Rochester Institute of Technology

Geology licensure and its role in student preparation and program assessment

Friday, February 7, 2025

The ASBOG® Fundamentals of Geology Examination is a requirement for a person to become a Licensed Professional Geologist and to offer geologic services to the public in States that register geologists by examination. Join Randy Kath, Senior Geologist at Petrologic Solutions, Inc and ASBOG® Academic Assessment Coordinator and Jack Warner, Psychometrician with Test, Inc to learn how this exam is being used to not only prepare students for entry into the workforce but also how the Fundamentals of Geology exam is helping departments assess their geology programs.

Glacier Geomorphological Mapping for Climate Change

Thursday, January 16, 2025

In this webinar, Rebecca McCerery of Northumbria University​, discusses techniques for mapping glaciers in Svalbard, as well as data collection related to understanding the extent and history of these glaciers.

AGI's Early Career Professionals in Mapping Webinar Series features early career geoscience professionals who share their work related to mapping, especially geologic mapping, and experiences entering the geoscience community. This webinar series is geared towards high school students and the general public.

This webinar series is generously supported by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program.

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Supporting faculty through the tenure process: A community discussion

Friday, October 11, 2024

Procedures and support structures for new faculty going up for tenure and promotion vary between departments and institutions. Department heads and chairs, however, are responsible for providing leadership in creating expectations, managing the process, and reducing barriers for those going through the tenure and promotion process. Please join this community discussion to share and learn from each other about tips and strategies on how you have successfully guided your faculty through this and supported their advancement and personal growth.

Resources shared in the discussion:

Support for first year faculty: The Roadrunner Faculty Academy (RFA) was designed to support new faculty as they navigate faculty life at MSU Denver by providing tools, strategies, and skills to thrive in teaching, scholarly activity, and service.  https://www.msudenver.edu/teaching-learning-design/programs/roadrunner-faculty-academy/

MSU Denver faculty employment handbook, 2024:
Starting page 4 are evaluation expectations, including the addition of equity-type work, like inclusive pedagogy; advising in and beyond the classroom; creating scholarship, data, studies, or artifacts from diverse traditions.

Colorado School of Mines Peer Observation Toolkit: https://trefnycenter.mines.edu/peer-observation-toolkit/

Common Ground: Healing Our Soil, Feeding the Future

Friday, October 18, 2024

(sponsored by Common Ground / Big Picture Ranch) 

Common Ground is an award-winning documentary film, a movement to support soil health and regenerative agriculture, and now a K-12 curriculum! 


This webinar will feature an introduction from the film directors followed by a panel conversation with several protagonists featured in Common Ground. Webinar participants will then be introduced to the free NGSS-aligned documentary-based materials. We will also reserve time to hear from the curriculum developer and a veteran soil educator who will share their perspectives on incorporating and inspiring students through a narrative-based approach to units on soil, regeneration, and climate. 


About the Film: Common Ground (2023) is the sequel to, Kiss the Ground (2020) which touched over 1 billion people globally and inspired the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to put $20 billion toward soil health. Common Ground unveils a dark web of money, power, and politics behind our broken food system. The film reveals how unjust practices forged our current farm system in which farmers of all colors are literally dying to feed us. The film profiles a hopeful and uplifting movement of white, Black, and indigenous farmers who are using alternative “regenerative” models of agriculture that could balance the climate, save our health, and stabilize America’s economy. Educators will have full access to the free 45-min educational cut for this webinar.


Speaker Line-Up:

  • Josh and Rebecca Tickell, directors of Common Ground at Big Picture Ranch
  • Fran Sterling, Curriculum Developer at Blueshift Education
  • Miss Holzer, PhD, science curriculum designer & standards specialist
  • Myranda Dominguez, Generative Educator
  • Karen Rodriguez, COO, Kiss the Ground
  • Gabe Brown, Rancher


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Earth Science at the Poles

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Explore the dynamic landscapes of the Polar Regions in our webinar, "Earth Science at the Poles." Delve into the intricate relationship between permafrost and climate change, uncovering how thawing permafrost influences global ecosystems and vice versa. Hear from educators who participated in the Polar STEAM program, sharing their firsthand experiences researching Arctic glacial systems and permafrost dynamics, and their plans to integrate this knowledge into classroom learning. Discover the Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET), which has unearthed over 23,000 meteorites from Antarctica's blue ice areas, offering invaluable insights into our Solar System's history. Join us as we discuss polar literacy, examining the profound impacts of climate change on these remote regions and efforts to conserve iconic species like the Adélie penguins. Don't miss this opportunity to journey into the heart of polar science and exploration. 


Speaker Line-Up:

  • Miriam Jones, Research Geologist at the US. Geological Survey
  • Waverly Ray, Professor of Geography at SAn Diego Mesa College
  • Lynn Brennan, High School Math Educator at the Putney School
  • James Karner, Research Associate Professor at the University of Utah
  • Janice McDonnell, 4-H STEM Agent

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Impact Craters and Geologic Mapping on the Earth and Moon

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Join us for "Impact Craters and Geologic Mapping on the Earth and Moon," where we explore the fascinating world of lunar analog sites and geologic mapping techniques crucial for understanding both Earth and extraterrestrial landscapes. Discover the legacy of the Cinder Lake crater fields in northern Arizona, essential training grounds for Apollo astronauts and instrumental in lunar mission preparations. Delve into the innovative adaptations of geological mapping methods for planetary exploration, blending Earth-based techniques with those suited for lunar missions under Artemis. Learn about the latest insights into low-angle lunar impacts and their implications for planetary science hypotheses, supported by experimental simulations and high-resolution lunar imaging. Additionally, explore NASA's Solar System Treks Portals, powerful tools enabling researchers, educators, and the public to visualize and analyze planetary data, fostering engagement and advancing our understanding of planetary surfaces across the Solar System. Join us to delve into the frontiers of planetary geology and exploration.


Speaker Line-Up:

  • Alexandra Huff, PhD Candidate at Arizona State University
  • Robert R. Herrick, Research Professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • Amber Gullikson, Geologist at the U.S. Geological Survey Astrogeology Science Center
  • Brian Day, Staff Scientist at the NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute

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