Introducing GROW, a new career tool for the geoscience community

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Friday, April 14, 2023 1:00 PM ET | 1 hour
Series: AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs

GROW (Geoscience Resources on Opportunities in the Workforce) is a new collection of career resources for geoscience undergraduate and graduate students wondering, “What job opportunities do I have outside of academia?” This webinar will discuss the aims of the GROW project, framing the geoscience careers conversation around transferable skills, student identities, and the dynamic nature of the workforce. We will introduce the GROW website (, which hosts the resources for departments, mentors, and students, and provide guidance to heads and chairs on how best to use this tool to support their students’ career development.

Please meet our panelists for the April webinar –
Madison (Maddie) Wood is a PhD student and Adina Paytan is a Research Scientist  in the Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of California Santa Cruz

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