Geoscience Currents transmit snapshots of the many facets of the geoscience profession, in-depth case studies of how geoscience is applied, factsheets that provide rigorous introductions to a range of geoscience topics, workforce trends, and career paths.
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Displaying 151 - 160 of a total of 225 items
September 13, 2013
In April 2012, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) held a 2.5-day workshop for underrepresented minorities pursuing faculty and academic geoscience careers. All participants were either in their final years of pursuing a PhD, in a post-doc position...
August 19, 2013
In February, 2012 and April, 2013, AGI’s Workforce Program sent brochures about geoscience careers to approximately 18,000 high school students who scored well on the SAT and indicated intent to pursue a STEM degree. Students’ test scores ranged from 520 to 800 for Critical Reading and Writing, and...
The Community College to University Pathway: Geoscience Majors in the Texas Public University System
June 19, 2013
Community colleges are a key part of many four-year university students' post-secondary education pathways. According to AGI's 2011 Status of the Geoscience Workforce report, within the science and engineering disciplines, 67% of Bachelor's degree recipients, 58% of Master's degree recipients...
April 29, 2013
AGI's National Geoscience Student Exit Survey measures the relevant experiences in school and the immediate career plans upon graduation of recent geoscience degree recipients. In April 2012, AGI conducted the second pilot test of this survey and received responses from 46 departments. This...
April 04, 2013
Recent decreases in female enrollments and awarded degrees in the geosciences have been reported. This Currents investigates female degree rates in the major fields in the earth sciences--atmospheric science, geography, geoscience/geology, and ocean science. At the undergraduate level, females in...
February 22, 2013
Between 2009 and 2011, AGI sent out 2,279 packets to 82 geoscience departments across the United States to aid with their recruitment and retention reports of undergraduate geoscience majors. Included in these packets were informational brochures from several of AGI's participating member societies...
February 11, 2013
In 2011-2012, the percentage of U.S. geoscience students and graduates who were women dropped sharply at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s level, but grew slightly at the Doctorate level.At the undergraduate level, female participation rates are at their lowest since the late 1990’s, while Master’s...
February 01, 2013
The 2011-2012 academic year saw strong growth in U.S. undergraduate enrollments, continuing the nearly decade-long trend. Also, the 2010-2011 enrollment levels saw upward revisions based on additional updates provided by academic departments. The 2011-2012 preliminary data show an increase of 3.3%...
January 17, 2013
The Education and Human Resources Directorate within the National Science Foundation (NSF) manages the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, which grants funding to institutions looking to entice STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) majors and professionals to become K-12...
November 19, 2012
AGI’s National Geoscience Student Exit Survey measures the relevant experiences in school and the immediate career plans upon graduation of recent geoscience degree recipients. In April 2012, AGI conducted the second pilot test of this survey received responses from 46 different departments. This...
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