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North Dakota Geological Survey Contact Information

The North Dakota Geological Survey's mission is to investigate the geology of North Dakota; to administer regulatory programs and act in an advisory capacity to other state agencies; and to provide public service to the people of North Dakota.

State geological survey north dakota
North Dakota Public Service Commission Contact Information

The Public Service Commission fulfills its statutory mandates by protecting the public interest and regulating utilities, mining companies, and licensees in a fair, efficient, responsive, and cooperative manner. Regulatory initiatives assure that utility customers receive reliable and safe service at reasonable and just rates; mined coal lands are reclaimed to provide a safe and productive environment now and in the future; and license and permit holders and operators of commercial weighing and measuring devices operate in a safe and fair manner.

State agency north dakota
North Dakota State Government

In addition to the wide variety of agencies working on geoscience issues within the North Dakota State Government, the Hub Explorer provides a large amount of information about geoscience and natural resources in the state.

State agency north dakota
Ohio Division of Mineral Resources Contact Information

The mission of the division is to provide for the safe and environmentally sound development and restoration of mineral and fossil fuel extraction sites. Diverse and comprehensive programs address the environmental and safety aspects of the coal and mineral mining industries while maintaining high standards of regulatory effectiveness. The division also restores abandoned mine land, enforces mining safety laws, and ensures the protection of citizens, land and water resources. Program and support services include permitting, bonding, inspection, enforcement, mine safety rescue support and training, hydrology, soils, blasting, archaeology, engineering, design, information technology and administrative support. Expertise is provided by an experienced staff of inspectors, geologists, environmental specialists, engineers, blasting specialists, soils scientists, hydrologists, archaeologists, and hydrogeologists.

State agency ohio
Ohio Division of Oil and Gas Resources Contact Information

The Division's responsibilities include regulation of Ohio's oil and gas drilling, production, brine disposal, solution mining, and underground injection operations. Staff inspects the drilling, restoration, and plugging of all oil and gas wells in the state.

State agency ohio
Ohio Division of Water Resources Contact Information

The Division of Water Resources (DWR) was statutorily created from the former Division of Soil and Water Resources on January 1, 2016, in accordance with Amended Substitute House Bill Number 64 of the 131st General Assembly. The Division's office is located in Columbus. Responsibilities include dam and levee maintenence, flood safety, ground water use and storage, and water data collection.

State agency ohio
Ohio Emergency Management Agency Contact Information

The primary mission of the Ohio Emergency Management Agency is to coordinate activities to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters.

State agency ohio
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Contact Information

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency is a trusted leader and environmental steward using innovation, quality service and public involvement to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all Ohioans. Ohio EPA's goal is to protect the environment and public health by ensuring compliance with environmental laws and demonstrating leadership in environmental stewardship.

State agency ohio
Ohio Geological Survey Contact Information

The mission of the Ohio Geological Survey is to provide geologic information and services needed for responsible management of Ohio's natural resources.

State geological survey ohio
Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management Contact Information

The Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management (OEM) prepares for, responds to, recovers from and mitigates against disasters and emergencies. The department maintains the State Emergency Operations Center which serves as a command center for reporting emergencies and coordinating state response activities. OEM delivers service to Oklahoma cities, towns and counties through the network of more than 400 local emergency managers.

State agency oklahoma
