This publication provides a completely rewritten and expanded update to the original Petroleum and the Environment, published in 2003 as part of AGI’s Environmental Awareness Series. Taking the form of 24 standalone but complementary factsheets and case studies, Petroleum and the Environment provides a coherent, impartial look at the range of environmental questions relating to oil and gas operations in 2018. Particular emphasis is placed on the current scientific understanding of each topic, as well as technological developments, regulations, sources of uncertainty, effective mitigation strategies, and areas of particular concern or progress. Just as importantly, Petroleum and the Environment contains a rich bibliography of primary data sources, high-quality analyses, regulatory information, and much more, allowing interested readers to pursue any topic to their own satisfaction.
Click on any of the links below to get started, or view a full PDF of the entire publication by clicking on the cover image. You may also purchase a printed copy by clicking on the link provided.
Table of Contents
- #1: Petroleum and the Environment: an Introduction
- #2: Water in the Oil and Gas Industry
- #3: Induced Seismicity from Oil and Gas Operations
- #4: Water Sources for Hydraulic Fracturing
- #5: Using Produced Water
- #6: Groundwater Protection in Oil and Gas Production
- #7: Abandoned Wells
- #8: What Determines the Location of a Well?
- #9: Land Use in the Oil and Gas Industry
- #10: The Pinedale Gas Field, Wyoming
- #11: Heavy Oil
- #12: Oil and Gas in the U.S. Arctic
- #13: Offshore Oil and Gas
- #14: Spills in Oil and Natural Gas Fields
- #15: Transportation of Oil, Gas, and Refined Products
- #16: Oil Refining and Gas Processing
- #17: Non-Fuel Products of Oil and Gas
- #18: Air Quality Impacts of Oil and Gas
- #19: Methane Emissions in the Oil and Gas Industry
- #20: Mitigating and Regulating Methane Emissions
- #21: U.S. Regulation of Oil and Gas Operations
- #22: Health and Safety in Oil and Gas Extraction
- #23: Subsurface Data in the Oil and Gas Industry
- #24: Geoscientists in Petroleum and the Environment
- Glossary of Terms
- Full Reference List