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Browse an extensive list of federal, state, and local agencies, and other organizations that work on geoscience issues.

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Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Contact Information

The mission of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is to enhance the quality of life in Oklahoma and protect the health of its citizens by protecting, preserving and restoring the water, land and air of the state, thus fostering a clean, attractive, healthy, prosperous and sustainable environment.

State agency oklahoma
Oklahoma Geological Survey Contact Information

The Oklahoma Geological Survey is charged with investigating the state's land, water, mineral, and energy resources and disseminating the results of those investigations to promote the wise use of Oklahoma's natural resources consistent with sound environmental practices.

State geological survey oklahoma
Oklahoma Water Resources Board

The mission of the OWRB is to protect and enhance the quality of life for Oklahomans by managing and improving the state’s water resources to ensure clean and reliable water supplies, a strong economy, and a safe and healthy environment.

State agency oklahoma
Oregon Department of Energy Contact Information

ODOE is focused on helping Oregon remain an energy leader and reach the state’s energy and climate goals.

State agency oregon
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Contact Information

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is a regulatory agency whose job is to protect the quality of Oregon's environment. DEQ's mission is to be a leader in restoring, maintaining and enhancing the quality of Oregon's air, land and water.

State agency oregon
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Contact Information

DOGAMI’s mission is to provide earth science information and regulation to make Oregon safe and prosperous.

State geological survey oregon
Oregon Department of State Lands Contact Information

The mission of the Department of State Lands is to ensure a legacy for Oregonians and their public schools through sound stewardship of lands, wetlands, waterways, unclaimed property, estates and the Common School Fund. 

State agency oregon
Oregon Office of Emergency Management Contact Information

The OEM mission is to lead statewide efforts to develop and enhance preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation capabilities to protect the lives, property and environment of the whole community.

State agency oregon
Oregon Water Resources Department Contact Information

The Department's mission is to serve the public by practicing and promoting responsible water management through to restoration and protection of streamflows and watersheds in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of Oregon's ecosystems, economy, and quality of life.

State agency oregon
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

The Department of Environmental Protection's mission is to protect Pennsylvania's air, land and water from pollution and to provide for the health and safety of its citizens through a cleaner environment. We will work as partners with individuals, organizations, governments and businesses to prevent pollution and restore our natural resources.

State agency pennsylvania
