December 8, 2015
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced two bills on investment in renewable energy tax credits and the state of jobs in the coal mining industry.
The first bill, American Clean Energy Investment Act of 2015 (S.___), calls for the extension of renewable energy tax credits, or tax incentives allowing the tax payer to subtract the incentive credit amount from their annual state taxes. According to the proposed bill, the costs of the credit incentives would be offset by repealing portions of the fossil fuel industry tax code. The onshore wind-energy sector would be subject to a gradual increase in production tax credits and a 30 percent investment tax credit to expand the construction of offshore and onshore wind facilities.
The second bill, known as the Clean Energy Worker Just Transition Act of 2015 (S.____), would establish vocational and job skills educational programs to help displaced coal industry workers find new jobs. It would also create health care and pension funding for the displaced workers to help ease their job transition.
Sources: Sanders Press Release, eenews, sanders.senate.gov