Geoscience Currents transmit snapshots of the many facets of the geoscience profession, in-depth case studies of how geoscience is applied, factsheets that provide rigorous introductions to a range of geoscience topics, workforce trends, and career paths.
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Displaying 41 - 50 of a total of 77 items
January 19, 2016
For the 2014-2015 academic year, AGI’s Geoscience Student Exit Survey had 692 graduating students from 210 different geoscience programs participate -- 495 bachelor’s graduates, 127 master’s graduates, and 70 doctoral graduates.
The graduates were asked if their immediate plans after graduation...
June 18, 2015
In AGI's and AAG's Geoscience Career Master's Preparation Survey, similar to Currents 103, we asked Geography departments and non-academic professionals about 20 different specific technical competencies in geography.
When asked about applying geographic information about geology and processes...
May 29, 2015
AGI's and AAG's Geoscience Career Master's Preparation Survey asked faculty how prepared their students are in 36 different technical geology competencies. It inquired about how prepared students feel in these competencies, and compared those with how important each of the competencies are to non-...
March 16, 2015
AGI's and AAG's survey asked faculty how often their Master's advisees in Geology or Geography programs secure different types of positions post graduation. Students were asked how likely they were to consider these career choices . Non-academic professionals, whose highest degrees are Master's,...
March 06, 2015
The Geoscience Career Master's Preparation Survey by AGI and AAG inquired about Master's students‘ career goals and what influenced those goals. Looking across Geology programs, some students' most common career goals include working in the private sector, in teaching, education or diversity, and...
December 11, 2014
Recent discussions have focused on the current and future job market for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduates, and AGI has received multiple requests for comparisons between the geoscience workforce and the STEM workforce.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (...
October 16, 2014
In the Status of the Workforce Report 2014, a future workforce shortage of 135,000 geoscientists was shown. This Currents expands on the process of determining this estimated workforce shortage.
The data used to look at the future supply and demand of geoscientists come from multiple sources: the...
August 12, 2014
The graph shows the 2013 median annual salaries for geoscience-related occupations in the United States as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The colors represent a different occupational category. The columns in the lighter colors display the annual median salary for a broad...
July 24, 2014
The circular1 diagram below displays the connection between the degree fields of recent geoscience graduates (in color) to the industries where these geoscientists found their first job after graduation (in gray). The size of the bars along the outer edge of the circle represent the number of...
October 23, 2013
AGI’s National Geoscience Student Exit Survey measures the relevant experiences in school and the immediate career plans upon graduation of recent geoscience degree recipients. In spring 2013, AGI distributed this survey nationally and received 428 responses from 71 geoscience departments. This...
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