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Displaying 71 - 80 of a total of 84 items
September 1, 2008
Association of Earth Science Editors Meeting 2008
At the end of 2007, AGI began the geosciences workforce data snapshots “Geoscience Currents.” This publication series provides the community and the public focused views of a specific aspect of the geosciences profession – from human dynamics to economic variables. These snapshots are...
April 17, 2008
American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2008
The geosciences and geographic disciplines are seeing a convergence in talents and skills in many parts of the respective disciplines. The geosciences, like most technical professions, are facing a critical talent gap into the future, with too few new students entering the profession and too...
December 12, 2007
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2007
The geosciences, like most technical professions, are facing a critical talent gap into the future, with too few new students entering the profession and too many opportunities for that supply. This situation has evolved as a result of multiple forces, including increased commodity prices,...
October 30, 2007
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2006
One of the most common complaints within scientific communities about commercial television is that the presented science is “bad.” From the perspective of formally trained scientists, this assertion is a fair critique. However, just as television often presents science badly, so...
October 25, 2006
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2006
The geosciences have endured a long history of booms and busts in employment and enrollment. Before 2005, nearly twenty years had past since the end of the last real boom for the geosciences. However, with the sharp rise in energy and mineral prices, as well as a fundamental shift in...
October 23, 2006
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2006
The geosciences have a substantial contribution to make for society on the issue of sustainability, however, very often that contribution is not effectively heard. This stems from both a communication issue and a failure to be visible in its engagement of contributing to the betterment of...
December 5, 2005
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2005
For most of the last 50 years, the fortunes of geoscience programs at the university level have waxed and waned with the health of the natural resources industries. These industries, and petroleum in particular, have experience major boom and bust cycles, of which geoscience programs often...
December 1, 2005
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2005
The geosciences in the United States have historically been driven by domestic needs and often resorted to importation of expertise to meet demand. During this time, US geoscience has experienced a number of major booms and busts, but today is, as a discipline, less dependent on the immediate...
September 20, 2005
National Geoscience Data Repositories Meeting 6
December 1, 2004
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2004
In the year 2000, the American Geological Institute (AGI) began developing its EarthInquiry activity series. Since that time, seven full-length activities have been released. Each EarthInquiry activity enables introductory college students to interact with real-time and archived geoscience data....
Recent Geoscience Currents
Geoscience Currents transmit snapshots of the many facets of the geoscience profession, in-depth case studies of how geoscience is applied, factsheets that provide rigorous introductions to a range of geoscience topics, workforce trends, and career paths.