Geoscience in Your State: New York

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Cover of Geoscience Policy State Factsheet. Image credit: AGI

By the numbers: New York

  • 18,291 geoscience employees (excludes self-employed)1
  • 890 million gallons/day: total groundwater withdrawal3
  • $1.28 billion: value of nonfuel mineral production in 20174
  • 93 total disaster declarations, including 27 severe storm, 23 flood, and 19 snow disasters (1953-2017)6
  • $55.8 million: NSF GEO grants awarded in 2017...

Agencies Working on Geoscience Issues in new york

New York Office of Emergency Management

The mission of the New York State Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is to protect the lives and property of the citizens of New York State from threats posed by natural or man-made events. To fulfill this mission, OEM coordinates emergency management services with other federal and State agencies to support county and local governments.

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) was created on July 1, 1970 to combine in a single agency all state programs designed to protect and enhance the environment.

New York State Geological Survey
The mission of the NYSGS is to conduct geologic research, evaluate mineral resources and geologic hazards of the State of New York, and make the data and advice derived from that research available to State agencies, the educational community, and the public for the health, safety, and economic welfare of the citizens of the State.

Case Studies & Factsheets

Cover of Geoscience Policy State Factsheet. Image credit: AGI

By the numbers: New York 18,291 geoscience employees (excludes self-employed)1 890 million gallons/day: total groundwater withdrawal3 $1.28 billion: value of nonfuel mineral production in 20174 93 total disaster declarations, including 27 severe storm, 23 flood, and 19 snow disasters (1953-2017...

Cover of What Determines the Location of a Well

Introduction Oil- and gas-rich rocks are only found in certain parts of the United States, so most of the country has no oil or gas wells. Where oil and gas production is commercially viable, many factors determine the exact location of each well, including leasing, permitting, competing land uses...


Background In areas prone to winter precipitation, transportation infrastructure must be able to quickly respond to snow and ice on roadways. Ice removal is a vital service in these communities. Deicing chemicals melt ice by lowering the temperature at which it melts. They can also prevent new ice...


Introduction Dry wells improve stormwater drainage and aquifer recharge by providing a fast, direct route for rainwater to drain deep into underlying sediment and rock. Dry wells are most common in the western U.S. where clay or caliche layers slow down the natural drainage of water into underlying...

Cover of AGI Factsheet 2018-004 - Present Day Climate Change

Climate Science 101 Climate is the average of weather conditions over several decades.1,2 Geoscientists monitor modern climate conditions (1880 A.D. to present) in part by taking direct measurements of weather data (i.e., air temperature, rainfall and snowfall, wind speed, cloudiness, and so on)...